Our NEW for 2023 Choreography Competition, is a chance for ALL of our SWDA students to get creative, take everything they have learnt in their weekly classes and choreograph their very own dance piece.
They are able to submit one Solo entry, one Duet entry and one Group Dance entry (minimum five dancers). Each category will be split by age and into Novice and Intermediate/Advanced
As there will be no oversight from the SWDA Teaching Faculty, the students are completely in charge of their choreography, music, costume and dance style (street dance, lyrical or freestyle). It will be all their own work, in their own time, a chance to shine as young choreographers and dancers.
The students will perform their dance pieces on the stage in front of an audience and a panel of independent industry professionals. Each category will be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes, as well as an overall SWDA Solo, Duet and Group winner.
Note: The Choreography Competition is open to SWDA students only.
We are excited to bring new opportunities to our Academies in 2023 and look forward to as many students as possible taking part. For more information, please use the contact from.

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